Sunday, May 16, 2010

it's got potential

This house is a few blocks away from my house and every time I pass by I give a smile, admire the details, and say "it's got potential". This isn't a hulking queen anne -- it's much more modest. But I love the wraparound porch with free classic details and the restrained "baby turret" over the stoop. It overlooks a park on the edge of downtown and is flanked by its twin just across the street. They stand like sentinels overlooking the park. This one is a little more rundown than its neighbor -- the brick has been painted and the landscaping is nothing to get excited about. It's been made into apartments too. From the outside though it doesn't look too bad though. Some TLC to be sure, but it doesn't look to be falling apart. It just went on the market. If I were in different circumstances I would go make an offer tomorrow. Alas it's not to be, but maybe it speaks to you?

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