Monday, January 26, 2009

magoffin development denied

In an interesting twist, the HLC decided to deny the magoffin park villas I wrote about last week. While I mostly agree with the observations and criticisms by the commission and HPO, I wonder if it was possible to work with the developers before they submitted their plans? I think a superior design would be putting up 2 - 3 family townhomes and keep it old school. I envision something like 1890s to 1910s era rowhouse brick/limestone buildings. Of course, cost is probably a big factor and unlikely to ever happen (until I get around to it that is :)). And where would all these people park? Children included of course -- there must be a parking space for every man, woman, & child in this development. That right there is the biggest problem I have with this proposal. What is the point of putting a large swath of parking lot facing the most prominent street in the historic district? Bad decision.

Seems a waste of everyone's time to come up with designs that seem to not have much of a shot at getting approved. Unless of course city council decides to override the HLC decision. I could very well see that happening since downtown living seems to be what everyone is clamoring about. Little do they realize there are a ton of actual historic buildings in need of love that would be far better investment into the historic neighborhood, but I digress.. Back to the proposal: the design could use a little more work -- something I think could be worked out between people who know what they're talking about (HLC, HPO). Meaning city council shouldn't politicize the issue and greenlight it just because we need downtown residential space.

For all you downtown area peeps -- if you have an opinion, exercise it to you District 8 rep. Decision's tomorrow. More background here.

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