Thursday, April 14, 2011

piles o' dirt

Piles of dirt haunt me in my dreams and they haunt me when I'm awake. As much as I try to get rid of some piles, I make new piles in the process. I'm getting pretty sick of it to be honest with you. Hopefully these piles will be the last ones I have to deal with here at the ol' McBroom house.

Slowly you can see the raised beds are starting to take shape. So here's the plan: use up as much of the dirt pile hiding under the deck for the plant beds. Cover them with landscaping fabric to allow water to filter through. Then sift the rock screening and fill each bed an inch or two thick. I also have a huge pile of small boulders and rock to throw into the landscape to help make it more natural looking. I have a good sized pile of tan rock I lugged over from the other side of the house -- that's in the far corner. This will be used to create my gravel pathways, but first I lay down some thick plastic for durability. To keep the fine rock screening separate from the chunkier gravel, I weaved in some plastic edging. This should be the only obvious nod towards practicality with the desert garden. 'Til next time..

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